Mess-Free Coloring
Let’s face it, kids’ art projects can get messy. As much as Crayola celebrates the splatter of a paint brush or the juicy colorful marks produced by a fresh marker we realize that some moments call for a neater solution. Crayola Color Wonder is the perfect mess-free solution for busy moms and dads. Color Wonder Markers and Paints are clear and only turn colors when applied to special Color Wonder paper. They won’t make marks on skin, clothing, carpets or furniture.
Mess-Free Coloring
Let’s face it, kids’ art projects can get messy. As much as Crayola celebrates the splatter of a paint brush or the juicy colorful marks produced by a fresh marker we realize that some moments call for a neater solution. Crayola Color Wonder is the perfect mess-free solution for busy moms and dads. Color Wonder Markers and Paints are clear and only turn colors when applied to special Color Wonder paper. They won’t make marks on skin, clothing, carpets or furniture.